
We utilize the top rated international recall planning company, RQA, Inc.with Trievr Recall Management’s SaaS-based recall platform and developed a streamlined approach to developing and executing Recall Plans, Mock Recalls, and Recall Simulations.

Why Mock Recall Planning and Training is imperative to Help Protect Your Business

Consumer product recalls and compliance issues continue to plague manufacturers and retailers of consumer products in 2022. In 2021, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalled nearly 20,000 lithium-ion battery cells, the type found in iPhones, toys, personal fans, vaping devices, and other products.

The federal agency, tasked with protecting the public against injuries and death from everyday products, said the recalled battery cells spark, burn, and even explode. This notice is one of the most significant product recalls of 2021, with the CPSC warning companies to take swift action.

But how many of these companies did? And did the notice affect yours?

Manufacturers and retailers have to respond to a product recall like the one above all the time, and it’s critical that companies have a proper recall management strategy in place. Implementing this kind of strategy is tougher than it sounds.

If you are in one of the following industries, it is imperative that you prepare your business and team members for a product recall.

  • Medical Devices
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Food & Beverage
  • Cosmetics
  • Manufacturing

Product recalls impact all departments within an organization, but those working in supply and distribution will feel the effects more than most. The truth is, recalls influence every aspect of a supply chain, from sourcing materials and ingredients to distributing products to retailers and customers.All departments are affected by product recalls. Below are just a few examples of how some can be impacted by a product recall.


Can make or break the success of a company's response to a product recall

Powerful leadership is a must when dealing with recall notices

Requires the right planning and tools to be effective


Act quickly to minimize public risks

Must collaborate with team

Time is of the essence. Test your Recall Plan. Use the right tools.


Maintains series of workflows to effected departments

On the frontline of a product recall

Communicates with all departments. Test your Recall Plan Use the right tools.


& expensive goverment penalties if not handled correctly

Could face lawsuits

A core component of the recall process. Test your Recall Plan. Use the right tools.


The entire organization could face hefty fines from the government

Changing garbage & waste disposal strategies

Avoid fines and lawsuits with the right recall plan in place.


Minimizes the impact of product recalls

Helps with customer perceptions due to recall

Protect your organization’s image. Test your Recall Plan. Use the right tools.

Supply & Distribution

Recalls influence every aspect of a supply chain

The most effected

From sourcing materials and ingredients to distributing products to retailers and customers. Test your Recall Plan. Use the right tools.


Identifies money-saving strategies in the product recall process.

Manages expenses, lost profits, potential lawsuit costs

Test your Recall Plan. Use the right tools.

Mock Recalls VS Recall Simulations

Conducting a mock recall twice a year is the basic assurance that inventory can be traced in the event of a recall. A recall simulation ensures that the organization is trained and ready to respond with a robust recall plan.


Don’t let another day go by without having the right mock recall plan created and tested.



TRIEVR Recall Management, MockRecalls sister company, and RQA, Inc. are pleased to announce they have entered into a strategic partnership, combining TRIEVR’s industry leading SaaS recall management platform with RQA’s robust recall simulation assessment and execution solution. Find out more about our new Mock Recall and Recall Simulation Training program.

Mendtronix Inc. and TRIEVR Inc. announce a joint marketing and operations agreement providing efficient and cost effective total medical and non-medical device recall management services where TRIEVR’s Recall/Field Action/Field Alert SaaS solution, combined with Mendtronix’s inventory management and technical services providing a strong and complete offering for recalled devices.
